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Join today and tap into cutting-edge data analysis that reveals winning strategies. Don't speculate about potential results, compute them!

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Join our community of horse racing enthusiasts

MuleDB helps thousands of horse racing enthusiasts, bettors, and trainers make smarter choices through data-driven decisions. Specializing in the collection and analysis of race-related data - encompassing trainers, jockeys, horses, and more - we provide insightful, data-driven analysis. Our vibrant and user-friendly graphs and charts can deliver statistics and probabilities instantly and without the need to sift through ambiguous and time consuming results.


Why MuleDB?

Powered by advanced data analytics and intelligence.

Make Smarter Decisions using Data Insights

Our cutting-edge technology meticulously analyzes vast amounts of data, delivering highly accurate insights. These insights are designed to help you make well informed and data driven decisions.

Get information quick and easy

Our intuitive charts and visuals serve as dynamic tools, immediately translating complex information into easy to understand insights. This seamless process saves valuable time, allowing you to focus on decision-making rather than sifting through extensive horse racing results.

Create Profitable Betting Strategies

Create your Horse Racing betting strategies effortlessly, featuring unlimited rules and conditions. Identify winning strategies or clone them from other successful approaches - the options are boundless!

How MuleDB Works

Step 1

Tailor your racing scenario or strategy by setting conditions that suit your preferences, whether you want to add many or just a few.

Starting Price

Step 2

Once you've established your conditions, explore the data with charts and visuals. Then, it's time to implement your strategy and put it to the test!

About Us

Our Story

All the essentials for increasing your betting success, placing confident bets, and gaining an edge over the bookmakers

Launched in 2021 through the collaboration of seasoned traders and tech experts, MuleDB is dedicated to leveling the playing field in Horse Racing. We offer exclusive data insights designed to give you an edge over bookmakers. Our mission is clear: to deliver unparalleled insights and data-driven intelligence, providing bettors, traders, and trainers with cutting-edge analytics."


Happy Members

“I've been a member for a year now, and I can say that this has helped me make better decisions while betting. The insights are accurate and easy to understand.”


“Love the MuleDB Data Analytics! The insights are invaluable.”

James K.

“"MuleDB has really upped my game when it comes to betting. The visual dashboards have completely changed how I do things and helped me stop throwing money away on bad bets.”


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